
Founder and global CEO of HeathWallace (a fabulous digital user experience company) and Chief Digital Officer for JWT Group in the UK.

“Dave Wallace co-founded HeathWallace in 2001. The focus of the company from the start was online financial services. From a standing start in 2001, HeathWallace was soon working with the largest Banks in the world, including Schwab in the UK, RBS and HSBC. The company continued to grow and based on its success in the UK it looked internationally. The company now has offices in Hong Kong, Chicago, Cape Town, Melbourne and Reading. In 2008 the company was acquired by WPP. WPP has been instrumental in helping HeathWallace consolidate on its position globally and enabled it to broaden its appeal. In 2010, I was also asked to undertake a role as CTO for the JWT Group. The role is focused on ensuring that the JWT Group has the right processes, people and partners in place as it embraces a digital future.”

If you’re bored, you can also follow me on twitter @davenportface

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